On The Blog.

Denise Carey, BSW, RSW Denise Carey, BSW, RSW

Getting Back on Your Feet When You Feel “Stuck”

Have you ever faced a significant event that left you feeling paralyzed, unable to move forward? These events or experiences can hit us hard, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, confused, and deeply depressed. If you're feeling “stuck,” know that you’re not alone. Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and encountering the unexpected is part of the process.

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Am I a “Christian Counsellor?”

For the most part, I’m an open book and feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and life experiences. But when it came to writing a blog post discussing my faith and spirituality, this gave me pause—not because I’m uncertain of my convictions, but because of the legacy and reputation attached to the terms “Christian” and “Christian counselling.”

I’ll be as clear as possible about what I believe and what I mean when I use the term “Christian counsellor” …

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

How Do I Get My Teenager to “Like” Me? (Part 1)

Parenting teenagers is a wild ride… and I’m confident in saying that even the best parents have their communication and relationship skills stretched to max capacity when their kids hit the teen years.

Thankfully, it’s not all bad, and there is lots you can do to make these years enjoyable for both you and your child…

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

What Does it Mean to be “Trauma-Informed?”

The issue with jargon is that it becomes common place language that loses it’s meaning over time. Or, in the case of the term “trauma-informed”, everyone adds the tag to their website or Psychology Today profile because it sounds good—even though both the therapist and client might not know what it actually means…

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Will I Always Feel This Way?

“Never let them see you sweat ,” is what I thought to myself. I could feel the weight of the stressful event clinging to me throughout the afternoon and into the evening, but I carried on—until I couldn’t carry on anymore…

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

When Coping Skills Aren’t Enough…

“You mean, a ‘counsellor’? Heck no. I’ve tried that before and it didn’t work. They just gave me some dumb coping skills and sent me on my way.”

I operate with a simple principle for my health, and it translates into my work as a counsellor: don’t work at coping with the issue harder than you are willing to work to resolve it. In other words, don’t waste your time and energy getting a temporary fix, if you could instead experience true and lasting relief…

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Why Should I See a Counsellor?

I’ve recommended tons of people to different counsellors around Saskatoon over the years. But the common objection I hear in response is, “Why? How could that help?”

I must admit—I’m only ‘slightly’ biased... but please hear me out.

Before I was a counsellor, I was a client…

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