On The Blog.

Denise Carey, BSW, RSW Denise Carey, BSW, RSW

Should I Try Sozo?

Sozo? Never heard of it…

We’re often skeptical of things that seem both new and unknown—but Sozo is neither of those things. It has helped many people over many years, and we are thrilled to be able to offer it to you!

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Will I Always Feel This Way?

“Never let them see you sweat ,” is what I thought to myself. I could feel the weight of the stressful event clinging to me throughout the afternoon and into the evening, but I carried on—until I couldn’t carry on anymore…

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

When Coping Skills Aren’t Enough…

“You mean, a ‘counsellor’? Heck no. I’ve tried that before and it didn’t work. They just gave me some dumb coping skills and sent me on my way.”

I operate with a simple principle for my health, and it translates into my work as a counsellor: don’t work at coping with the issue harder than you are willing to work to resolve it. In other words, don’t waste your time and energy getting a temporary fix, if you could instead experience true and lasting relief…

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