On The Blog.

Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

How to Help Someone Struggling with their Mental Health (Part 3)

To provide emotional comfort effectively, we must first ensure that the person feels their emotions are safe and validated. Once their emotional response is validated, they can receive the comfort or assistance we offer. In this article, we are going to be integrating all the things we’ve explored up till now using “VCR” and some practical support options, as well as the power of prayer.

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Denise Carey, BSW, RSW Denise Carey, BSW, RSW

Getting Back on Your Feet When You Feel “Stuck”

Have you ever faced a significant event that left you feeling paralyzed, unable to move forward? These events or experiences can hit us hard, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, confused, and deeply depressed. If you're feeling “stuck,” know that you’re not alone. Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and encountering the unexpected is part of the process.

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Denise Carey, BSW, RSW Denise Carey, BSW, RSW

What does it mean to “guard your heart?”

“I learned that it's important to stay connected with supportive people, especially during tough times, and to find better ways to handle difficult situations without shutting myself off from the world.”

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Why Do We Resist Rest?

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning here in the MacEwen house. I’m enjoying breakfast and coffee with my wife, laughing about the crazy dreams we had last night and talking about our wonderful dreams for the day ahead.

And then… my phone rings.

Everyday, our society is becoming more and more burnt out and evidently craving rest—yet we still struggle to embrace opportunities for rest when they are presented to us.

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Is “Sabbath” Just a Religious Rule?

I know what you’re thinking. You probably haven’t even heard the word “sabbath” since your Sunday school teacher taught you about the Ten Commandments. But maybe that is exactly the problem. Many of us haven’t thought about the Sabbath (let alone kept it “holy”) since grade school. It is like we think, at some point in world history, the practice of sabbath stopped being important.

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Staying Grounded During Conflict

For those of you who are like me and don’t like conflict (I mean—really don’t like conflict), I want to share something with you that helped me become able to handle conflict situations better. It’s not “five easy steps” or some secret knowledge that came to me in a dream. It’s something that I gained from counselling, and something that I like to help my clients with too.

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Will I Always Feel This Way?

“Never let them see you sweat ,” is what I thought to myself. I could feel the weight of the stressful event clinging to me throughout the afternoon and into the evening, but I carried on—until I couldn’t carry on anymore…

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Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW Bryce MacEwen, BSW, RSW

Why Should I See a Counsellor?

I’ve recommended tons of people to different counsellors around Saskatoon over the years. But the common objection I hear in response is, “Why? How could that help?”

I must admit—I’m only ‘slightly’ biased... but please hear me out.

Before I was a counsellor, I was a client…

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